Tag: girl

How Much Should You Spend On An Engagement Ring?How Much Should You Spend On An Engagement Ring?

Have you met the sexy girl of your dreams and would like to get married to her? In that case, you need to propose to her first. As we all know, that often involves buying an engagement ring. Dating London escorts is something that I have always been into. But, I have to say that I never expected to fall in love with a girl from a London escorts. However, the moment I met Annika, I knew that she was the one. It was not long before I found myself dreaming of a future together.  

Anyway, I am not about to ask Annika if she would like to marry me. Is she going to give up London escorts? I would like to think that she would give up London escorts and spend time with me instead. But, I guess in order for her to give up working for London escorts, I would have to buy her a really nice engagement ring. The thing is that I am not sure how much I should spend on an engagement ring and where I should buy it.  

I know that there are many top class jewellery shops in London. The thing is that most London escorts also get some really nice presents and jewellery gifts from their dates. I have already noticed that my girlfriend has many nice pieces of jewellery and I am not sure that I can match them. I have been thinking about going to one of the more expensive jewellery shops in London to find out how much it would cost to buy an engagement ring from one of them.  

How much money do I have saved up? Looking at my finances, I do have a fair amount of money saved up. I could afford to spend as much as £10,000 on an engagement ring for my girlfriend. At this stage, I feel pretty certain that none of her boyfriends or other London escorts dates, have spent that much money on her before. It is rather a lot of money and I do hope that I can get a really nice ring for that. If not, I guess that I could always borrow some money and put in on a credit card.  

There are some men who don’t spend a lot of money on a girl’s engagement ring. I guess under ordinary circumstances that would have been me as well. But, as I am madly in love with this girl, and would like to try to tempt her away from London escorts, I feel that I need to go that extra mile. I have a feeling that this is one occasion where a £1,000 ring would not really do the trick. Well, I am going to check out the selection at Tiffany’s online. If I am lucky, I may just find the perfect engagement ring for my hot and sexy London escorts girlfriend. You never know your luck, maybe I will be able to afford a Tiffany’s engagement ring.